I recently ran across a study conducted by McCall, Lombardo, & Morrison that overviewed 16 developmental experiences that are thought to have the greatest impact on a leader’s development. Given our recent small ‘l’ leadership papers on leader development, I thought this would be interesting. Here is a summary of the developmental challenges in the authors’ Lessons of Experience (1988).
1. Early work experiences: early non-managerial jobs
2. First supervision: first time managing people
3. Starting from scratch: building something from nothing
4. Fix it/turnaround: fixing/stabilizing a failing operation
5. Project/task force: discrete projects and temporary assignments done alone or as a part of a team
6. Scope: increase in numbers of people, dollars, and functions to manage
7. Line to staff switch: moving from line operations to corporate staff roles
Other People:
8. Role models: other people with exceptional (good or bad) qualities
9. Values played out: “snapshots” of chain-of-command behavior that demonstrate individual or corporate values
10. Business failure or mistakes: ideas that failed or deals that fell apart
11. Demotions/missed promotions/lousy jobs: not getting a coveted job or getting exiled
12. Employee performance problem: confronting an employee with a serious performance problem
13. Breaking a rut: taking on a new career in response to discontent with the current job
14. Personal traumas: crises and traumas such as divorce, illness, and death
Other events:
15. Coursework: formal courses
16. Purely personal: experiences outside of work (McCall, Lombardo, & Morrison, 1988)